Friday, January 16, 2009



Bob Dylan once wrote and sung a song about the ever-changing times in American history. Despite the hard economic hits so many have taken, the old car hobby still seems to be at its strongest stage ever—and it’s still growing! This is a transformation stage—including wild customs, hot rods, rat rods, new car shows popping up, new restoration shops, and especially the internet--which is something we will embrace. This is the type of creative, artistic, revival that gave birth to Auto Round-Up almost four decades ago. Four decades ago, free advertising was unheard of. Today, because of Auto Round-Up, it’s as common as fins on a 1960 Cadillac.

When Ron Smith first started up the Auto Round-Up Magazine, as it was formally called in 1974 (we have many aliases), he was a car nut with a dream. Today, we’re all car nuts with a dream—the dream of keeping this classic car hobby alive for our kids and their kids.

When Auto Round-Up was born in 1974, it was a larger size that was printed in black and white. This title was sold locally at first, then statewide, and soon, it grew to cover the northeast regional area of the country.

Then, sometime in the early 1980’s, Auto Round-Up went nationwide. Pages and color was added.

In 1981, this title was trimmed down to make the magazine a more convenient size. Due to popular demand (so readers wouldn’t miss an issue) we started offering subscriptions the same year.

Then, in 1987, our readers wanted a “truck” only magazine—and, Truck Round-Up Magazine was born. And, in 1989, again listening to our readers, who wanted a combo book of the two, we launched Auto/Truck Round-Up Monthly.

So, as you can see, Auto Round-Up has gone through many transformations over the years. Most of these changes deriving from our reader’s requests.

A few years ago, the post office asked us to eliminate the envelope we were mailing the subscriber copies and place the label on the outside of the cover to help make a faster delivery to our readers.

Then again, a few issues ago, the post office suggested that we trim-down the magazine by slicing down the width to qualify as a periodical letter so that our subscriber mail pieces would go through the mail system quicker.

It was not a decision we made calmly. We felt it was the right move but still remained uncertain because this was not just up to us, it was also up to our loyal, passionate, and long-time Round-Up readers as well (there are nearly 300,000 of you, when you count the number of people who share their copy).

In doing so, we noticed that the size of the type inside had shrunk down a bit. So, we took your advice and increased the size of the words slightly for your convenience. We also took your suggestions of adding two tabs on either end of the book to make each copy “sealed” for quicker and safer delivery.

Then, a few months ago, we had some samples made up from our printer and mailed out some copies to get your thoughts. Readers loved the new look—it was easier to hold, carry, fold and put in your pocket, and most importantly, read. And, so far, the tabs have helped deliver your copies more rapidly.

Due to our readers overwhelming acceptance with the new size and type, we decided to go through with it—and so, you have a new-and-improved Auto Round-Up Magazine!

Of course, our DNA is one thing that will never change. A great Round-Up is one that offers free advertising, a great classifieds section, some cool stories from time to time, events listings, and a great marketplace of vendors. The core and mission of Auto Round-Up is to enhance and preserve the classic car hobby for generations to come as a magazine coming from Jane Lew, WV. We believe in this great hobby and the magic of the past.

We would like to thank our readers for your continued support. We will continue to change and improve our magazine. We really do listen to your suggestions and strive every day to make your Round-Up experience the best this hobby has to offer.

Shaun Smith
Assistant Publisher

For more articles like this, pickup a copy of Auto Round-Up Magazine on your local newsstand, or visit

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